August 3, 2011
Hey Little Buddy,
Well, you sir, turned 5 months old on July 28th! What a big boy!

We just took a weekend to Dallas. While daddy is off work looking for a job, we thought this would be a great time to get away for 3 days together. We went to visit your great grandparents and great uncle. I have an outfit I bought you from before you were born. It is a onesie with Charlie Brown on it. And there's one thing you should know about your Great Grandma McGee: She loooooves Charlie Brown and Snoopy!! Well, ALL the Peanuts characters. This outfit is size 3 months, so it fits you now. I was waiting until you grew into it to take you down there to see her. We took lots of pictures of the two of you together. You, as always, were adorable.

As you know, you got your name from her. She was Nancy Bentley. Her father was a Southern Baptist Preacher in Illinois, Vivian Bentley. Her family passed on their Christian legacy to my father, your Grandpa, and then on down to me. In honor of them, I named you Bentley.

Grandma McGee is so proud of you. She is one of your greatest fans. She has a photo album of you by her chair. Everytime I upload a picture of you onto Facebook, Uncle Robin prints it off and adds it to her album. This way she can watch you grow everyday even though she is over 200 miles away. I try to make sure shes sees you as often as possible. Grandpa McGee says everyday she wakes up ready to drive to Oklahoma to see her little grandson.
A lesson I hope you learn in life is to always cherish time with your family. Grandparents are golden. You can learn so much from them and they love you like no other. Make every effort to spend time with them.
You are beautiful and you are growing everyday. I love you, Bentley!