Hey there Little Buddy!
This morning, like any other morning, I went to greet you in your crib. When I opened your door and turned on your light I saw you were standing up smiling at me. Before I could say anything you exclaimed, "Buddy!" I laughed and said, "You're the Buddy!" And you giggled and said, "Bud!"
This was the first time you have ever said your nickname. Every morning when I open your door I say, "Buddy, good morning Buddy!" And then I sing the "Buddy Song" I made up when you were a tiny newborn. But today you beat me to it and I was once again blown away by how amazing you are.

Things like this have been happening a lot this year! It is a new year, 2013, and you are about to turn 2 years old. Your father and I have been working real hard around the house trying to get things ready for your little sister to come along. For Christmas you got a new bed from your grandparents. It is a beautiful white crib that turns into a toddler bed and then later converts into a full size bed. So we gave your old crib to your sister. In order to do this we had to take the old crib apart and move it into the new nursery. Then we had to rebuild it in there. (Cribs should fit through doorways, but this isn't a perfect world.) Then we spent the whole evening in your room building your new bed. We turned on some music, your daddy started building, and you and I played together. Your idea of play was to empty all your baskets onto the floor. Then, one by one, put each item back into the baskets. Can you believe this entertained you for two hours? Occasionally you would empty a basket and hide each item in a drawer or your book shelf, then gather everything back and put them away. I loved watching you focus on your "work." You took it so seriously as if it were a task to be completed meticulously. While this was going on we were playing music from your daddy's phone. At the end of each and every song you would stop what you were doing and clap your hands and say, "Yay!" We would laugh and comment about how adorable you are. Toward the end of building your bed you decided to join your daddy to help him with some final touches. I took a picture, of course. I couldn't pass up a moment like that!
You still clap and say "Yay!" at the end of every song your hear. Even if it is music playing overhead in the store we are shopping in, you cheer for the artist's performance. If it is a catchy tune with a fun beat you clap and bounce along. You make any old shopping experience so much more exciting!
You learned how to say "Bye bye!" a little while ago. But now you have added on to the cuteness. When your daddy or I say, "Let's go upstairs for a bath!" You stop what you are doing, put your toy away in the toy box and then say, "Bye bye, toy!" before you head upstairs for your bath. If we are shopping and you see a toy car (which you call a "Go") you point at it and yell, "Go!" and as we pass it by you say, "Bye bye, Go!" The same goes for a stuffed animal you may spot.

There are so many little things you do that just make you the cutest little boy in the world. I love watching you grow. Each stage of your life has become my favorite stage. I would love to keep you little forever, but I know that every milestone you hit is going to be another exciting adventure that puts me in awe of you. Your Mommy and Daddy love you so much!