Dear Bentley,
I have been reading over some of these past letters. It makes me so happy to see how far you've come in your short, precious life. You have always been such a sweet little baby. And now, you are TWO!
When you turned two, you grew up into this bright, independent, curious, talkative little guy! It seemed it was overnight! You had just became a big brother only two weeks beforehand. Between that and your birthday, you just grew up so much. They say the average two year old can understand up to 200 words. I was skeptical at first but then I started thinking...Yes, that is true! You answer me when I ask you questions. You learn new words every day. You know your animals and the sounds they make. You know where your nose is, your ears, eyes, hands, feet, teeth, head, arms and legs! You talk NON STOP! :) And you communicate with us so well. You say "Please" and "Thank you" regularly by yourself. It is so adorable. Especially "Thank you." It sounds like, "Dah Doo!" I even make you say it for silly things just so I can hear your cute voice say it your special way.
"Bentley, I just changed your diaper. Say 'thank you.'"
"Dah Doo!"
"Buddy, mommy just gave you a hug. Say, 'thank you.'"
"Dah Doo!"
It is just sooooo cute! You make me smile all the time.
You are such a happy little guy. You find joy and excitement in so many things! You can run up and down the hallways just giggling and smiling. You love to play with Roxie and chase her around. You love playing with your Daddy and being tickled. My heart just swells when I see your happy face.
And you love love love your Sissy! Every day you greet her in the morning. Before nap time and bed time you have to kiss her goodnight. We learned very quickly that if she is not there for you to say goodnight to, you get very sad and cannot go to sleep. It is so endearing to see the love you have for her.
I just cannot express enough how much joy you bring to my life. All these things and more make me so proud to have you as my son. I thank God everyday, multiple times a day, for the blessings he has given me in you and your sister.
Mommy loves you, Buddy!
Looking forward to what the year brings!