Hey Little Guy!!
You turned 10 months old this week. And from what I was told at your 9 month appointment, you are approximately 19 pounds. But then again, you have had a little growth spurt! Length wise you have almost caught up to your age in clothing sizes. In pants you are up to 9 months and you are wearing size 6 months in shirts. And we have you working on little finger foods now which you are excelling at!! I worked all day today making your baby food for the month. I made little bite sized fruits and veggies to go along with your pureed baby food. I think you have growth spurts everytime we advance your food.
So last night you did something awesome...
You stood up, stayed standing...stayed standing...stayed standing...TOOK A STEP...STAYED STANDING...and then plopped down. WOW!! When we started clapping and cheering you started laughing and clapping with us. A mommy would never forget a moment like this.
So here you are, 5/6 a year old. You will be happy to know that you are STILL the cutest baby EVER! I am not biased. It is the truth.
I love you, Little Buddy!!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas, Little Buddy!
Ho Ho Ho, Bentley!
It is Christmas Eve! And although you do not understand anything that is going on, you sure are enjoying the lights, bells, paper and boxes everywhere!
This year is my first year to not make a huge fuss about everything. I usually have the tree up by October 31 (which your daddy doesn't enjoy) and the stockings hung neatly with perfect symmetry, and the gifts are wrapped neatly and topped with beautiful bows. But this year I am distracted by this happy, smiley, adventurous little bald guy crawling around. So the tree is up, stockings are hanging, and gifts are under the tree. And by no means is it a picture perfect scene. Each stocking has fallen down twice and at this point they are just thrown up on the wall hanging on for dear life. The tree is leaning slightly and the gifts are mostly stuck in gift sacks and pre-decorated boxes taped shut. I laugh at my half-attempt to do up Christmas this year.
See, this year I have a whole new mind set. I love that Christmas brings along with it the excitement to celebrate with the ones you love and give gifts that you picked out with them in mind. So that has taken over my care to have a picture perfect home. Since you came along I have just been relaxing and enjoying this season watching the magical little moments that make me take a snapshot for my memory bank. And this year there have been several of these moments.
Next year I will be teaching you about the true meaning of Christmas and how to spend the Holidays giving to others from your heart. And we will be making many more memories from now until then.
Merry Christmas, Little Buddy!
It is Christmas Eve! And although you do not understand anything that is going on, you sure are enjoying the lights, bells, paper and boxes everywhere!
This year is my first year to not make a huge fuss about everything. I usually have the tree up by October 31 (which your daddy doesn't enjoy) and the stockings hung neatly with perfect symmetry, and the gifts are wrapped neatly and topped with beautiful bows. But this year I am distracted by this happy, smiley, adventurous little bald guy crawling around. So the tree is up, stockings are hanging, and gifts are under the tree. And by no means is it a picture perfect scene. Each stocking has fallen down twice and at this point they are just thrown up on the wall hanging on for dear life. The tree is leaning slightly and the gifts are mostly stuck in gift sacks and pre-decorated boxes taped shut. I laugh at my half-attempt to do up Christmas this year.
See, this year I have a whole new mind set. I love that Christmas brings along with it the excitement to celebrate with the ones you love and give gifts that you picked out with them in mind. So that has taken over my care to have a picture perfect home. Since you came along I have just been relaxing and enjoying this season watching the magical little moments that make me take a snapshot for my memory bank. And this year there have been several of these moments.
Next year I will be teaching you about the true meaning of Christmas and how to spend the Holidays giving to others from your heart. And we will be making many more memories from now until then.
Merry Christmas, Little Buddy!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Your First Step
So, Little Buddy,
Here I was just sitting on the couch, stuffing envelopes with our Christmas cards with you playing at my feet. You crawled over to the couch to pull yourself up. Then you moved over to my pant legs to balance yourself and faced away from me. Next thing I know you let go and were standing on your own. I was just about to applaud when... you took a step forward! You stood there for one second, dropped to your knees and crawled away.
I shouted, "He took his first step!!!"
Your daddy was sitting right there and missed it. It happened so fast!
I'm going to be chasing you all over this house pretty soon!
I love you so much!
Here I was just sitting on the couch, stuffing envelopes with our Christmas cards with you playing at my feet. You crawled over to the couch to pull yourself up. Then you moved over to my pant legs to balance yourself and faced away from me. Next thing I know you let go and were standing on your own. I was just about to applaud when... you took a step forward! You stood there for one second, dropped to your knees and crawled away.
I shouted, "He took his first step!!!"
Your daddy was sitting right there and missed it. It happened so fast!
I'm going to be chasing you all over this house pretty soon!
I love you so much!
Monday, November 28, 2011
9 Months Old!
Dear Bentley,
I have known you for almost 18 months now. Your father and I were planning you for a very long time. When we found out we were pregnant with you, we loved you immediately. I remember giving you a personality while you were still in my womb. It wasn't hard though. From the first ultrasound we saw you waving and dancing, letting us know you were happy and healthy! All the following ultrasounds you were showing off by kicking, turning, moving, and being so very active. And the first flutters I felt left me breathless. Feeling you kick inside me always reassured me that you were okay. I never grew tired of the kicking.
And now here you are. Nine months old! You have spent half your life here with us already. It has gone by so quickly. I love the person you are. I love the person I see shining in all your little acts. You have the personality I imagined you having. And you take on such grown-up-like characteristics at times that it is hard to imagine that you are just a little infant. But you are still so tiny. And so, so adorable.
You are standing on your own now! You only do it occasionally but it is only a matter of days before you are walking! You mimic sounds and motions that you see us doing. You learn things so fast! Your grandma made a clicking sound with her mouth and you copied the same noise with your mouth. So we are trying to teach you to copy other cute things like blowing kisses, saying "bye bye!" or "uh-oh!", or waving. You even picked up my cell phone and started jabbering into it yesterday!
So we hit another big milestone. I am still excited about this holiday season we are in! Soon Christmas will be here. As usual at this time of year the weather is growing colder each week. I see a lot of excitement in our future: getting bundled up in our warm clothes, Christmas shopping, singing Christmas carols, and maybe even our first snow will be here soon! We get to celebrate in our new home with our new baby boy. This is by far going to be the best Christmas we have ever had!!
I love you, Little Buddy!!!
I have known you for almost 18 months now. Your father and I were planning you for a very long time. When we found out we were pregnant with you, we loved you immediately. I remember giving you a personality while you were still in my womb. It wasn't hard though. From the first ultrasound we saw you waving and dancing, letting us know you were happy and healthy! All the following ultrasounds you were showing off by kicking, turning, moving, and being so very active. And the first flutters I felt left me breathless. Feeling you kick inside me always reassured me that you were okay. I never grew tired of the kicking.
And now here you are. Nine months old! You have spent half your life here with us already. It has gone by so quickly. I love the person you are. I love the person I see shining in all your little acts. You have the personality I imagined you having. And you take on such grown-up-like characteristics at times that it is hard to imagine that you are just a little infant. But you are still so tiny. And so, so adorable.
You are standing on your own now! You only do it occasionally but it is only a matter of days before you are walking! You mimic sounds and motions that you see us doing. You learn things so fast! Your grandma made a clicking sound with her mouth and you copied the same noise with your mouth. So we are trying to teach you to copy other cute things like blowing kisses, saying "bye bye!" or "uh-oh!", or waving. You even picked up my cell phone and started jabbering into it yesterday!
So we hit another big milestone. I am still excited about this holiday season we are in! Soon Christmas will be here. As usual at this time of year the weather is growing colder each week. I see a lot of excitement in our future: getting bundled up in our warm clothes, Christmas shopping, singing Christmas carols, and maybe even our first snow will be here soon! We get to celebrate in our new home with our new baby boy. This is by far going to be the best Christmas we have ever had!!
I love you, Little Buddy!!!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Bentley,
Today is your very first Thanksgiving! I have been looking forward to the Holidays as a mommy for a very long time!
We went down to Wayne to your Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a houseful of our friends and family. Aside from the three of us, there was your Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Dan and Aunt Lindy, your Great Grandma and Great Grandpa McGee from Dallas, your Uncle Robin, Ryan Goodrich and his parents, and your "Uncle" Jim (Mijjy) Varner. We had such a wonderful time. We were laughing, celebrating, eating, eating, and more eating, watching football, talking and playing with YOU all day!
I think what we were looking forward to most was feeding you your Thanksgiving dinner. I have been planning what to make you since you first started eating foods. I made you sweet potatoes with cinnamon, butternut squash, and mixed berries. I sat you between me and your Grandpa. He has been excited about feeding you a little off his plate. You were the perfect age for Thanksgiving in the fact that you can start eating mashed "big people" food! So dad (your Grandpa) fed you some stuffing, some potatoes, and a little greenbean casserole.
Today was so wonderful. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family, a loving place to call home, and most of all, a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I love you, Bentley!
Today is your very first Thanksgiving! I have been looking forward to the Holidays as a mommy for a very long time!
We went down to Wayne to your Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a houseful of our friends and family. Aside from the three of us, there was your Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Dan and Aunt Lindy, your Great Grandma and Great Grandpa McGee from Dallas, your Uncle Robin, Ryan Goodrich and his parents, and your "Uncle" Jim (Mijjy) Varner. We had such a wonderful time. We were laughing, celebrating, eating, eating, and more eating, watching football, talking and playing with YOU all day!
I think what we were looking forward to most was feeding you your Thanksgiving dinner. I have been planning what to make you since you first started eating foods. I made you sweet potatoes with cinnamon, butternut squash, and mixed berries. I sat you between me and your Grandpa. He has been excited about feeding you a little off his plate. You were the perfect age for Thanksgiving in the fact that you can start eating mashed "big people" food! So dad (your Grandpa) fed you some stuffing, some potatoes, and a little greenbean casserole.
Today was so wonderful. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family, a loving place to call home, and most of all, a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I love you, Bentley!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Hey Buddy!
We are moving! We just got a townhouse! It is in a wonderful part of town. So close to everything. It is 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms!! We are so excited. We have been living in such a small house that only has two bedrooms and one small, small bathroom. And now we will have so much more room! It is also going to be so much safer for you now that you are mobile. And not just mobile...you are everywhere getting into everything! I am so happy and I just cannot wait to move!
Your father and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary this weekend. You are here with us in Dallas. I am so glad you came. I would miss you so much if we left you with your grandparents!! I am enjoying watching you explore this hotel room. You have traveled all over it, investigating everything. You were immediately fascinated with the baby you found in the full size mirror. You made a friend. A very cute friend, I might add. You kept giving him kisses and smiling and laughing at him. I grabbed my camera and started video taping. You are adorable.
I love you! I love that I am married to your father. I love that we have had such a precious little baby. And I am looking forward to our new home as a family!
We are moving! We just got a townhouse! It is in a wonderful part of town. So close to everything. It is 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms!! We are so excited. We have been living in such a small house that only has two bedrooms and one small, small bathroom. And now we will have so much more room! It is also going to be so much safer for you now that you are mobile. And not just mobile...you are everywhere getting into everything! I am so happy and I just cannot wait to move!
Your father and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary this weekend. You are here with us in Dallas. I am so glad you came. I would miss you so much if we left you with your grandparents!! I am enjoying watching you explore this hotel room. You have traveled all over it, investigating everything. You were immediately fascinated with the baby you found in the full size mirror. You made a friend. A very cute friend, I might add. You kept giving him kisses and smiling and laughing at him. I grabbed my camera and started video taping. You are adorable.
I love you! I love that I am married to your father. I love that we have had such a precious little baby. And I am looking forward to our new home as a family!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
My Little 8 Month Old
Dear Sweet Bentley,
You turned 8 months old yesterday. I must catch you up-to-date on your recent accomplishments!
To start, you have started saying, "Dada!" The first time we heard it was on our way to Gran's house for a family dinner last weekend (Oct 21, 2011, to be exact). You daddy and I were in the front seat and you were in the back seat jibbering and jabbering. Then you said it. We both stopped and broke into cheers! You said it over and over that night for the family. Everyone was proud of you. You were passed all around that evening from family member to family member. You are such a loved little boy.
Next--You can stand on your own!! You have been practicing and practicing up to this point. And you have learned to let go and balance for up to ten seconds at a time. We all get so excited watching you do this. It entertains us like a sports game. We sit on the edge of our seat, counting the time until you plop on your little bottom, and then we all break into applause and excited laughter and watch you smile as you eagerly try again. I love these moments. And like I wrote before numerous times, you make us so proud.
Tonight was a big night for us as well. We dressed you up in your first Halloween costume and took you to the Zoo for Trick-or-Treating. I put a lot of thought into your costume. I have pretty much been thinking about it since last year when I was pregnant with you. I knew it had to be perfect. And I came up with it last week. Your daddy dressed up in his OKC Thunder jersey and I bought you a homemade basketball onesie and basketball knit hat. It was creative, unique, and you got a lot of attention!!
Well, my adorable basketball, I love you more than you will ever know. I look forward to more of this weekend with you. Tomorrow is a big day at church and then Monday is Halloween. Then the Holidays are in full swing. I'm looking so forward to spending them with you!
You turned 8 months old yesterday. I must catch you up-to-date on your recent accomplishments!
To start, you have started saying, "Dada!" The first time we heard it was on our way to Gran's house for a family dinner last weekend (Oct 21, 2011, to be exact). You daddy and I were in the front seat and you were in the back seat jibbering and jabbering. Then you said it. We both stopped and broke into cheers! You said it over and over that night for the family. Everyone was proud of you. You were passed all around that evening from family member to family member. You are such a loved little boy.
Next--You can stand on your own!! You have been practicing and practicing up to this point. And you have learned to let go and balance for up to ten seconds at a time. We all get so excited watching you do this. It entertains us like a sports game. We sit on the edge of our seat, counting the time until you plop on your little bottom, and then we all break into applause and excited laughter and watch you smile as you eagerly try again. I love these moments. And like I wrote before numerous times, you make us so proud.

Well, my adorable basketball, I love you more than you will ever know. I look forward to more of this weekend with you. Tomorrow is a big day at church and then Monday is Halloween. Then the Holidays are in full swing. I'm looking so forward to spending them with you!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Dear Bentley,
I asked you, "Can I have some kisses?" And you leaned in and gave Mommy kisses. The sweetest kisses I have ever received.
Your Grandma Nancy and Aunt Sookie asked for kisses from you today to see if it would work. You leaned in and gave them kisses. What a precious little boy you are! Where do you learn these things? I am so happy right now. I have the cutest, sweetest baby.
I love you, Buddy!!
I asked you, "Can I have some kisses?" And you leaned in and gave Mommy kisses. The sweetest kisses I have ever received.
Your Grandma Nancy and Aunt Sookie asked for kisses from you today to see if it would work. You leaned in and gave them kisses. What a precious little boy you are! Where do you learn these things? I am so happy right now. I have the cutest, sweetest baby.
I love you, Buddy!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A Great Balancing Act
Dear Bentley,
One of my favorite books to read to you is "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss.
I would like to share with you my favorite line:
"So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact.
And remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act."
I am reminded of this while I watch you learn how to stand on your own. You will pull yourself up by grabbing onto the edge of something. Then, while you are standing and holding on, a big grin crosses your face. I watch your wobbliness as you gain your balance. Then with hesitation you slowly let go with one hand. You balance for a few seconds to see if you can hold steady. Within seconds you fall down on the floor. Then, you try again.
Life is like this Balancing Act. But baby, you are still determined to learn even though you fall each time. Do you know why you keep getting back up? Because eventually you WILL stand. And soon after, you WILL take your first steps.
You have full confidence in yourself right now. You have a Mommy and Daddy cheering you on through each milestone. But there will be times in life that you won't feel very confident. There will be moments you will feel like no one is cheering you on. But I love watching your eagerness to get back up even though you fall. Your determintation to succeed and learn outweighs the little bumps and thumps. I pray you always have this zest for life and learning no matter the costs! You make me proud.
"...Kid you'll move MOUNTAINS!
You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So, get on your way!"
I love you,
One of my favorite books to read to you is "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss.
I would like to share with you my favorite line:
"So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact.
And remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act."
I am reminded of this while I watch you learn how to stand on your own. You will pull yourself up by grabbing onto the edge of something. Then, while you are standing and holding on, a big grin crosses your face. I watch your wobbliness as you gain your balance. Then with hesitation you slowly let go with one hand. You balance for a few seconds to see if you can hold steady. Within seconds you fall down on the floor. Then, you try again.
Life is like this Balancing Act. But baby, you are still determined to learn even though you fall each time. Do you know why you keep getting back up? Because eventually you WILL stand. And soon after, you WILL take your first steps.
You have full confidence in yourself right now. You have a Mommy and Daddy cheering you on through each milestone. But there will be times in life that you won't feel very confident. There will be moments you will feel like no one is cheering you on. But I love watching your eagerness to get back up even though you fall. Your determintation to succeed and learn outweighs the little bumps and thumps. I pray you always have this zest for life and learning no matter the costs! You make me proud.
"...Kid you'll move MOUNTAINS!
You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So, get on your way!"
I love you,
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Seven Months Old
Dear Bentley,
You are seven months old today!
We took you to the park two weeks ago for a photo shoot. Your Uncle Dan took the pictures for us. They turned out so wonderful. I just wanted to share them with you.
You are seven months old today!
We took you to the park two weeks ago for a photo shoot. Your Uncle Dan took the pictures for us. They turned out so wonderful. I just wanted to share them with you.
Happy Seven Months, Little Buddy!! You are the most precious little thing that has ever crawled and attempted to walk this earth! I love you!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Humors and Horrors of Baby Proofing!
Dear Bentley,
This morning turned into an eyeopening experience real fast. I am now sitting here overwhelmed at 10 AM. You just showed me first hand where I still need to baby proof in this house.
I woke up this morning to the sounds of crying. Much like every morning. You always let me know when you wake up. So I jumped up and headed straight to the kitchen to make your breakfast. We had 2 ounces of rice, fruit baby cereal, and 3 ounces of formula. The perfect breakfast. As soon as you finished eating I got up to clean your bowl, spoon and bottle. I returned, less than a minute later, to find you have crawled across the living room, past the front door, and you were heading to greet me in the dining room. I grabbed my phone to take pictures of you to send to Daddy at work. Then I noticed you were not yet finished with your journey. So I began following you to see where all you would go.
We crawled into the master bedroom. Not too many things in there that interested you. So you turned around and headed back to the dining room. We crawled right to Mommy's craft desk. So many bright, sparkly things to play with! I quickly moved you away from the pretty "no-no" area and you started to crawl toward the kitchen. It didn't take long to notice all the un-childproofed areas in there. You have never crawled this far before! You went straight to Roxie's bowls. I picked up her food bowl and set it on the counter. I turned around to find the water bowl almost being tipped over by you and had to pry the dish out of your hands. So you decided to move along toward the laundry room. Oh no! I know there is insect repellant spread across that doorway! I picked you up and faced you the other way before you got to that door. Phew! I breathed a sigh of relief. Proud of myself for responding so fast, I looked to see where you were heading next. You were on your way to the other side of the kitchen...where I see a mouse trap in your immediate future. How do you find these corners?? You are like a magnet to them! I picked you up again and set you in the doorway facing outward, away from these dangers.
--Sidenote: Sorry Buddy, but this is an old house, 1920's I think. The trap and repellant are mostly precautionary. But a necessity, nonetheless.--
Back to my story. I faced you away from the dangers of the kitchen. Once again, we were on the move. Crawling back into the dining room, you decided you would like to investigate the tall object leaning against the opposite wall. Your daddy's golf clubs. As soon as I saw what you were seeing I couldn't help but picture them falling over and hurting you! I caught you before you could reach them and turned you away from impending harm. I followed you as you headed back toward the living room.
And then, there we were, face-to-face with the floor furnace. (Remember, 1920's!) The dreaded floor furnace that hurts your little knees to crawl across. I started to think about how the weather outside is getting cooler and cooler as we head into fall and winter. This floor furnace is our only source of heat. And it is located in the doorway between the living room and dining room. You won't be able to crawl near it when it is on without hurting yourself severely. It has melted the soles of my shoes just by quickly walking across it! Oh dear, what do I do when we have to turn this thing on??
I temporarily placed a rug over it so you could continue on your journey. You crawled into the living room again and went straight toward the fireplace. (Don't worry. This fireplace hasn't worked in decades.) I have decorative vases and candles in there. And what do you know, that's what you wanted to play with! I had to pry more "no-no's" out of your hands and set them back down in their spot. I turned to find that you found a little white wire on the ground. Camoflauged by the white brick of the fire place. I would have never seen it, yet you found it! Where did that come from? I took it away immediately and began to feel overwhelmed.
We continued on this adventure for an hour before you started to get cranky. So I picked you up and I put you in your crib with your pacifier and you drifted quickly off to sleep. You are oblivious to any of these dangers all over the house. You just have a merry-ole-time crawling and exploring.
So here I am now, sitting on the couch with the realization that outlet covers and door latches do not baby proof a house. I have a lot to do before you wake up. And A LOT of praying to do as well!!
I love you, Little Buddy.
This morning turned into an eyeopening experience real fast. I am now sitting here overwhelmed at 10 AM. You just showed me first hand where I still need to baby proof in this house.
I woke up this morning to the sounds of crying. Much like every morning. You always let me know when you wake up. So I jumped up and headed straight to the kitchen to make your breakfast. We had 2 ounces of rice, fruit baby cereal, and 3 ounces of formula. The perfect breakfast. As soon as you finished eating I got up to clean your bowl, spoon and bottle. I returned, less than a minute later, to find you have crawled across the living room, past the front door, and you were heading to greet me in the dining room. I grabbed my phone to take pictures of you to send to Daddy at work. Then I noticed you were not yet finished with your journey. So I began following you to see where all you would go.
We crawled into the master bedroom. Not too many things in there that interested you. So you turned around and headed back to the dining room. We crawled right to Mommy's craft desk. So many bright, sparkly things to play with! I quickly moved you away from the pretty "no-no" area and you started to crawl toward the kitchen. It didn't take long to notice all the un-childproofed areas in there. You have never crawled this far before! You went straight to Roxie's bowls. I picked up her food bowl and set it on the counter. I turned around to find the water bowl almost being tipped over by you and had to pry the dish out of your hands. So you decided to move along toward the laundry room. Oh no! I know there is insect repellant spread across that doorway! I picked you up and faced you the other way before you got to that door. Phew! I breathed a sigh of relief. Proud of myself for responding so fast, I looked to see where you were heading next. You were on your way to the other side of the kitchen...where I see a mouse trap in your immediate future. How do you find these corners?? You are like a magnet to them! I picked you up again and set you in the doorway facing outward, away from these dangers.
--Sidenote: Sorry Buddy, but this is an old house, 1920's I think. The trap and repellant are mostly precautionary. But a necessity, nonetheless.--
Back to my story. I faced you away from the dangers of the kitchen. Once again, we were on the move. Crawling back into the dining room, you decided you would like to investigate the tall object leaning against the opposite wall. Your daddy's golf clubs. As soon as I saw what you were seeing I couldn't help but picture them falling over and hurting you! I caught you before you could reach them and turned you away from impending harm. I followed you as you headed back toward the living room.
And then, there we were, face-to-face with the floor furnace. (Remember, 1920's!) The dreaded floor furnace that hurts your little knees to crawl across. I started to think about how the weather outside is getting cooler and cooler as we head into fall and winter. This floor furnace is our only source of heat. And it is located in the doorway between the living room and dining room. You won't be able to crawl near it when it is on without hurting yourself severely. It has melted the soles of my shoes just by quickly walking across it! Oh dear, what do I do when we have to turn this thing on??
I temporarily placed a rug over it so you could continue on your journey. You crawled into the living room again and went straight toward the fireplace. (Don't worry. This fireplace hasn't worked in decades.) I have decorative vases and candles in there. And what do you know, that's what you wanted to play with! I had to pry more "no-no's" out of your hands and set them back down in their spot. I turned to find that you found a little white wire on the ground. Camoflauged by the white brick of the fire place. I would have never seen it, yet you found it! Where did that come from? I took it away immediately and began to feel overwhelmed.
We continued on this adventure for an hour before you started to get cranky. So I picked you up and I put you in your crib with your pacifier and you drifted quickly off to sleep. You are oblivious to any of these dangers all over the house. You just have a merry-ole-time crawling and exploring.
So here I am now, sitting on the couch with the realization that outlet covers and door latches do not baby proof a house. I have a lot to do before you wake up. And A LOT of praying to do as well!!
I love you, Little Buddy.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Dear Bentley,
This evening you did something so special. I walked into the dining room where your daddy was holding you on his lap. You looked up and me and smiled so big and said, "MOM!"
Your father and I just looked at each other and then broke into CHEERS!
You know my name. I am your Mommy.
I love you, sweet boy.
Always and Forever,
Your MOM
This evening you did something so special. I walked into the dining room where your daddy was holding you on his lap. You looked up and me and smiled so big and said, "MOM!"
Your father and I just looked at each other and then broke into CHEERS!
You know my name. I am your Mommy.
I love you, sweet boy.
Always and Forever,
Your MOM
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
6 Months Old!
Have you ever seen a more beautiful baby??
Oh Buddy, Mommy can hardly keep up with all that you accomplish. You started off so helpless and small. So beautiful, but so new to everything. That is why it amazes me so much that you have come so far in only 6 months.
You are crawling now! The Pediatrician was so impressed with you at your six month check up! She couldn't believe how advanced you are in your skills! Before too long, you will be getting into everything!!! I am already having to watch you closer than ever.
I love you very much!
Monday, August 22, 2011
You're Off To Great Places...
Dear Bentley,
I am in shock! I realized this week you will be SIX MONTHS OLD! The same week I am turning 26! Time waits for no one. I don't feel this old. And WHEN did you get this old????
You have accomplished a lot this month!
We have been working on first words with you. One in particular. "Mama." You started with, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........" Then worked up to, "MmmmmAH!" Now we are working on the repeating second syllable. You understand there are two syllables which is impressive! But "Mama," sounds more like, "MAHbwuuhhhh." Still impressive!!
Now, onto crawling!
First, you got your belly off the ground. Then you were in crawling position and would rock back and forth to gain balance. Now you can lift your hand off the ground and put it in front of you. You lunge forward and fall over. Then...you get right back up!!!! You taught yourself all of this. How does a little bitty baby teach himself such big things?? I am very proud of you.
You are sleeping next to me right now. Tired and exhausted from all the crawling attempts. You can wiggle your way across any floor and bed. And you just wiggled yourself right to sleep. So I thought I would take this time to write you a letter to let you know how amazing you are. Every accomplishment no matter how big or small is a HUGE deal to your daddy and me.
I love you, Little Buddy!
PS: Daddy got a job!!!!
I am in shock! I realized this week you will be SIX MONTHS OLD! The same week I am turning 26! Time waits for no one. I don't feel this old. And WHEN did you get this old????
You have accomplished a lot this month!

First, you got your belly off the ground. Then you were in crawling position and would rock back and forth to gain balance. Now you can lift your hand off the ground and put it in front of you. You lunge forward and fall over. Then...you get right back up!!!! You taught yourself all of this. How does a little bitty baby teach himself such big things?? I am very proud of you.

I love you, Little Buddy!
PS: Daddy got a job!!!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Grandmother's Love
August 3, 2011
Hey Little Buddy,
Well, you sir, turned 5 months old on July 28th! What a big boy!
We just took a weekend to Dallas. While daddy is off work looking for a job, we thought this would be a great time to get away for 3 days together. We went to visit your great grandparents and great uncle. I have an outfit I bought you from before you were born. It is a onesie with Charlie Brown on it. And there's one thing you should know about your Great Grandma McGee: She loooooves Charlie Brown and Snoopy!! Well, ALL the Peanuts characters. This outfit is size 3 months, so it fits you now. I was waiting until you grew into it to take you down there to see her. We took lots of pictures of the two of you together. You, as always, were adorable.
As you know, you got your name from her. She was Nancy Bentley. Her father was a Southern Baptist Preacher in Illinois, Vivian Bentley. Her family passed on their Christian legacy to my father, your Grandpa, and then on down to me. In honor of them, I named you Bentley.
Grandma McGee is so proud of you. She is one of your greatest fans. She has a photo album of you by her chair. Everytime I upload a picture of you onto Facebook, Uncle Robin prints it off and adds it to her album. This way she can watch you grow everyday even though she is over 200 miles away. I try to make sure shes sees you as often as possible. Grandpa McGee says everyday she wakes up ready to drive to Oklahoma to see her little grandson.
A lesson I hope you learn in life is to always cherish time with your family. Grandparents are golden. You can learn so much from them and they love you like no other. Make every effort to spend time with them.
You are beautiful and you are growing everyday. I love you, Bentley!
Hey Little Buddy,
Well, you sir, turned 5 months old on July 28th! What a big boy!
A lesson I hope you learn in life is to always cherish time with your family. Grandparents are golden. You can learn so much from them and they love you like no other. Make every effort to spend time with them.
You are beautiful and you are growing everyday. I love you, Bentley!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mission: Possible
July 25, 2011
Dear Bentley,
As you know, your father is a very hard worker. He puts his whole self into every job he does. He has been working overtime this last month at his job to help us out financially. Well, on Friday, he lost his job. It broke his heart. The main worry he had was how he was going to be able to take care of us.
Well, baby, as I told him, "God will take care of us. There is no need to worry." We don't know what our future holds but one thing is for sure, God provides. Just looking at our lives up to this point, even in our greatest time of need, we have always had food, clothes, and a roof over our head.
Countless stories in the Bible show us how God takes impossible situations and uses them for His glory. Could Gideon have defeated the Midianites with only 300 men, clay jars, torches, and horns without God? No. Could Daniel have lived in a den of hungry lions that thought he looked like the perfect snack without God? No. Could little David really have taken on Goliath with a stone and a slingshot without God? No. These were all impossible situations. But God used each of these men and the FAITH they had and impossible things became possible.
I don't want you to ever go through life worrying about how things will be taken care of. When hard times come, pray. Know that God has His plan and "ALL things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28, my favorite verse.
I love you, little boy. Daddy will find a job again soon. In the meantime, God is in control. You will always be taken care of.
Dear Bentley,
As you know, your father is a very hard worker. He puts his whole self into every job he does. He has been working overtime this last month at his job to help us out financially. Well, on Friday, he lost his job. It broke his heart. The main worry he had was how he was going to be able to take care of us.
Well, baby, as I told him, "God will take care of us. There is no need to worry." We don't know what our future holds but one thing is for sure, God provides. Just looking at our lives up to this point, even in our greatest time of need, we have always had food, clothes, and a roof over our head.
Countless stories in the Bible show us how God takes impossible situations and uses them for His glory. Could Gideon have defeated the Midianites with only 300 men, clay jars, torches, and horns without God? No. Could Daniel have lived in a den of hungry lions that thought he looked like the perfect snack without God? No. Could little David really have taken on Goliath with a stone and a slingshot without God? No. These were all impossible situations. But God used each of these men and the FAITH they had and impossible things became possible.
I don't want you to ever go through life worrying about how things will be taken care of. When hard times come, pray. Know that God has His plan and "ALL things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28, my favorite verse.
I love you, little boy. Daddy will find a job again soon. In the meantime, God is in control. You will always be taken care of.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A Little Photo Shoot
July 18, 2011
Dear Bentley,
Daddy accidentally took both sets of keys with him to work today. So you and I got to stay home all day. We played and played, cuddled and napped, and then I grabbed my camera. I'm sure you notice that I take many pictures of you. You are such a beautiful baby and I want to cherish every moment we have together. So here are pictures of you today. I love you!
Dear Bentley,
Daddy accidentally took both sets of keys with him to work today. So you and I got to stay home all day. We played and played, cuddled and napped, and then I grabbed my camera. I'm sure you notice that I take many pictures of you. You are such a beautiful baby and I want to cherish every moment we have together. So here are pictures of you today. I love you!
Moving Along
July 14, 2011
Mr. Wiggles,
You are always on the move! You haven't mastered crawling yet but if we put you on the ground you somehow make it across the room!
You can't stand up by yourself yet. But when we stand you up and support you, you stay up!

You don't like to be still. Grabbing, pulling, climbing, travelling, WIGGLING!
You are quite the adventure!!
You just stay my happy Little Buddy forever. I love you!
Mr. Wiggles,

You can't stand up by yourself yet. But when we stand you up and support you, you stay up!

You don't like to be still. Grabbing, pulling, climbing, travelling, WIGGLING!
You are quite the adventure!!
You just stay my happy Little Buddy forever. I love you!
First Foods
June 29 - July 4, 2011
Dear Bentley,
We went to the Pediatrician for your 4 month check up. You now weigh 13 lbs and 6 oz and you are 24.5 inches long! A little on the small side but you are right where you need to be!

We got to start you on baby foods also! It was a difficult first feeding. I mean, I could have taken the baby food and spilled it all over you, me, the floor, your chair, and our dog and came out with the same results, minus a crying Little Buddy. I learned quickly to strip you down to just a diaper before feeding you!

It didn't take you long to master eating the baby food. By the third attempt you were a pro! From that point on we got to start on veggies!
Sweet Potatoes are your favorite!!!
One thing is for sure, you may like some veggies more than others, but no food gets turned away from you! You remind me of your daddy in that way.
I love you, Growing Boy!
Dear Bentley,
We went to the Pediatrician for your 4 month check up. You now weigh 13 lbs and 6 oz and you are 24.5 inches long! A little on the small side but you are right where you need to be!

Sweet Potatoes are your favorite!!!
One thing is for sure, you may like some veggies more than others, but no food gets turned away from you! You remind me of your daddy in that way.
I love you, Growing Boy!
Super Baby!!

Dear 4 Month Old,
Over night you became a new baby!
You rolled over today, switched directions, and rolled back over!
You are sitting up with little-to-no support!

You are reaching for objects that you want and showing excitement when you see your bottle, a toy, or your mommy walk in the room (my personal favorite!).
What a baby!! You continue to make me proud!
Father's Day!
June 19, 2011
Dear Bentley,
Today is Father's Day! First one for your daddy, thanks to you!
You and I spoiled him. We bought him a new tie and a whole bunch of golf stuff. He loved it all. But what he loved most was spending time with his adorable Little Buddy.
I made you a onesie (now that I am a pro at sewing!) for you to wear for Father's Day. You were adorable!! And you even had a tie to wear!
Looking forward to many more Father's Days with my boys!
Dear Bentley,
Today is Father's Day! First one for your daddy, thanks to you!
You and I spoiled him. We bought him a new tie and a whole bunch of golf stuff. He loved it all. But what he loved most was spending time with his adorable Little Buddy.
I made you a onesie (now that I am a pro at sewing!) for you to wear for Father's Day. You were adorable!! And you even had a tie to wear!
Looking forward to many more Father's Days with my boys!
The Quilt
June 16, 2011
Hey Little Guy,
Well, I started making you a quilt back in October of 2010. I was still pregnant with you. We started a quilting class at our church that meets every other Thursday. I finally finished it!
I know it took me awhile...but I have never sewn before! I can barely sew a button onto a shirt, let alone make a quilt! But I wanted to do something special for you. I picked out the fabric to match your room. I made sure it was masculine enough for you.
Every time you cuddle up in your quilt I hope you know how much I love you!

Well, I started making you a quilt back in October of 2010. I was still pregnant with you. We started a quilting class at our church that meets every other Thursday. I finally finished it!

Every time you cuddle up in your quilt I hope you know how much I love you!
Rocking AND Rolling!
June 15, 2011
Hey Buddy!
You rolled over today! Way to go! I know you have hated "tummy time" this last month, but look what great things can come from it! Pretty soon you will be crawling and moving all over this house. However, I am in no hurry. Take your time and you will figure out all kinds of things. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you!
Hey Buddy!
You rolled over today! Way to go! I know you have hated "tummy time" this last month, but look what great things can come from it! Pretty soon you will be crawling and moving all over this house. However, I am in no hurry. Take your time and you will figure out all kinds of things. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you!
So Many New Things!
May 31 - June 10, 2011
Hey Little Explorer!
You turned three months old and started exploring. One of the things you discovered first thing was--YOUR FEET! You have them in your hands, your mouth, and you are always showing them off!
You recognize people now! I love it when you smile at me when I greet you in the morning. I feel like every day we are bonding more and more.
You have your little mannerisms that your father and I love. When you sneeze, you let out a "hooooooooo" afterward. We laugh every time.
We talk back and forth with you. Well, we talk. You say, "haah blaah baaa baaa haaa oooo hoooo ooo wooo blaah." We enjoy these conversations. They can go on for awhile and never get old.
It is adorable. YOU are adorable! This is such a fun age!
Hey Little Explorer!

You recognize people now! I love it when you smile at me when I greet you in the morning. I feel like every day we are bonding more and more.
You have your little mannerisms that your father and I love. When you sneeze, you let out a "hooooooooo" afterward. We laugh every time.
We talk back and forth with you. Well, we talk. You say, "haah blaah baaa baaa haaa oooo hoooo ooo wooo blaah." We enjoy these conversations. They can go on for awhile and never get old.
It is adorable. YOU are adorable! This is such a fun age!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Home Away From Home

Oh Buddy,
You have a lot of friends and family in Illinois! Your name comes from my family, the Bentley's, who are from Southern Illinois. And about once or twice a year we go visit everyone. I have been looking forward to this trip for a looooong time! I finally got to show you off to all of our family and friends.

A Smile Through the Storm
May 24, 2011
Dear Bentley,
You live in Oklahoma. And every spring and summer we go through what we call "Tornado Season." Today we went down to Wayne for church because we just built a new building and we are having a week long celebration as we dedicate the building back to the Lord. Well, tonight services were cancelled due to the weather. Tornadoes broke out across the state. We drove to Wayne before the storms hit because tonight we were going to celebrate your Aunt Lindy's birthday. As we were watching the news, tracking the storms, your Aunt Lindy captured a beautiful picture of you.
It made me realize how innocent you are. In the midst of tragedy and destruction, you can still see God's love in the smile of a baby. It gives you hope inside that there are always brighter days ahead.
We were safe in the storms (and I pray we always will be). And we had a wonderful evening visiting with friends and family. I pray you always see love and laughter in your life. And if you ever need a smile, come find me! I love you, Buddy!
Dear Bentley,

It made me realize how innocent you are. In the midst of tragedy and destruction, you can still see God's love in the smile of a baby. It gives you hope inside that there are always brighter days ahead.
We were safe in the storms (and I pray we always will be). And we had a wonderful evening visiting with friends and family. I pray you always see love and laughter in your life. And if you ever need a smile, come find me! I love you, Buddy!
A Father/Son Moment
May 23, 2011
Dear Bentley,
As you know, your daddy didn't have a father growing up. This is one of the reasons he was really wanting to have a son. He wanted to be the father he always dreamed of having. He looks forward to playing catch with you, teaching you how to golf, and taking you out to shoot hoops. He wants to take you to ball games and teach you all there is to know about sports. I wouldn't be surprised if your first words were "ESPN" or "Thunder."
He is starting early. As you know, the OKC Thunder are in the NBA Playoffs! They have made it to Round 3. There are only 4 teams left playing for the chance to go to the Finals to win the NBA championship. They are playing the Dallas Mavericks. And your daddy has had you by his side to watch every game. He is proud of his little Thunder fan. And I am enjoying watching him be a wonderful father to you.
You are one lucky Little Buddy!
Dear Bentley,
As you know, your daddy didn't have a father growing up. This is one of the reasons he was really wanting to have a son. He wanted to be the father he always dreamed of having. He looks forward to playing catch with you, teaching you how to golf, and taking you out to shoot hoops. He wants to take you to ball games and teach you all there is to know about sports. I wouldn't be surprised if your first words were "ESPN" or "Thunder."
He is starting early. As you know, the OKC Thunder are in the NBA Playoffs! They have made it to Round 3. There are only 4 teams left playing for the chance to go to the Finals to win the NBA championship. They are playing the Dallas Mavericks. And your daddy has had you by his side to watch every game. He is proud of his little Thunder fan. And I am enjoying watching him be a wonderful father to you.
You are one lucky Little Buddy!
My First Mother's Day
May 8, 2011
Dearest Bentley,
Today is my first Mother's Day! I am so blessed to be your Mommy. Thank you for being so wonderful!

We took a photo shoot of you in all your new outfits for Mother's Day. You were adorable! Thanks for letting me and your father play dress up with you! You were such a good sport!
Dearest Bentley,
Today is my first Mother's Day! I am so blessed to be your Mommy. Thank you for being so wonderful!

We took a photo shoot of you in all your new outfits for Mother's Day. You were adorable! Thanks for letting me and your father play dress up with you! You were such a good sport!
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