Monday, November 28, 2011

9 Months Old!

Dear Bentley,

I have known you for almost 18 months now.  Your father and I were planning you for a very long time.  When we found out we were pregnant with you, we loved you immediately.  I remember giving you a personality while you were still in my womb.  It wasn't hard though.  From the first ultrasound we saw you waving and dancing, letting us know you were happy and healthy!  All the following ultrasounds you were showing off by kicking, turning, moving, and being so very active.  And the first flutters I felt left me breathless.  Feeling you kick inside me always reassured me that you were okay.  I never grew tired of the kicking.

And now here you are.  Nine months old!  You have spent half your life here with us already.  It has gone by so quickly.  I love the person you are.  I love the person I see shining in all your little acts.  You have the personality I imagined you having.  And you take on such grown-up-like characteristics at times that it is hard to imagine that you are just a little infant.  But you are still so tiny.  And so, so adorable. 

You are standing on your own now!  You only do it occasionally but it is only a matter of days before you are walking!  You mimic sounds and motions that you see us doing.  You learn things so fast!  Your grandma made a clicking sound with her mouth and you copied the same noise with your mouth.  So we are trying to teach you to copy other cute things like blowing kisses, saying "bye bye!" or "uh-oh!", or waving.   You even picked up my cell phone and started jabbering into it yesterday! 

So we hit another big milestone.  I am still excited about this holiday season we are in!  Soon Christmas will be here.  As usual at this time of year the weather is growing colder each week.  I see a lot of excitement in our future: getting bundled up in our warm clothes, Christmas shopping, singing Christmas carols, and maybe even our first snow will be here soon!  We get to celebrate in our new home with our new baby boy.  This is by far going to be the best Christmas we have ever had!!

I love you, Little Buddy!!!


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