Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seven Months Old

Dear Bentley,

You are seven months old today! 

We took you to the park two weeks ago for a photo shoot. Your Uncle Dan took the pictures for us. They turned out so wonderful. I just wanted to share them with you.


Happy Seven Months, Little Buddy!!  You are the most precious little thing that has ever crawled and attempted to walk this earth!  I love you!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Humors and Horrors of Baby Proofing!

Dear Bentley,

This morning turned into an eyeopening experience real fast.  I am now sitting here overwhelmed at 10 AM.  You just showed me first hand where I still need to baby proof in this house.

I woke up this morning to the sounds of crying.  Much like every morning.  You always let me know when you wake up.  So I jumped up and headed straight to the kitchen to make your breakfast.  We had 2 ounces of rice, fruit baby cereal, and 3 ounces of formula.  The perfect breakfast.  As soon as you finished eating I got up to clean your bowl, spoon and bottle.  I returned, less than a minute later, to find you have crawled across the living room, past the front door, and you were heading to greet me in the dining room.  I grabbed my phone to take pictures of you to send to Daddy at work.  Then I noticed you were not yet finished with your journey.  So I began following you to see where all you would go.

We crawled into the master bedroom.  Not too many things in there that interested you.  So you turned around and headed back to the dining room.  We crawled right to Mommy's craft desk.  So many bright, sparkly things to play with!  I quickly moved you away from the pretty "no-no" area and you started to crawl toward the kitchen.  It didn't take long to notice all the un-childproofed areas in there.  You have never crawled this far before!  You went straight to Roxie's bowls.  I picked up her food bowl and set it on the counter.  I turned around to find the water bowl almost being tipped over by you and had to pry the dish out of your hands.  So you decided to move along toward the laundry room.  Oh no!  I know there is insect repellant spread across that doorway!  I picked you up and faced you the other way before you got to that door.  Phew!  I breathed a sigh of relief.  Proud of myself for responding so fast, I looked to see where you were heading next.  You were on your way to the other side of the kitchen...where I see a mouse trap in your immediate future.  How do you find these corners??  You are like a magnet to them!   I picked you up again and set you in the doorway facing outward, away from these dangers. 

--Sidenote:  Sorry Buddy, but this is an old house, 1920's I think.  The trap and repellant are mostly precautionary.  But a necessity, nonetheless.--

Back to my story.  I faced you away from the dangers of the kitchen. Once again, we were on the move.  Crawling back into the dining room, you decided you would like to investigate the tall object leaning against the opposite wall.  Your daddy's golf clubs.  As soon as I saw what you were seeing I couldn't help but picture them falling over and hurting you! I caught you before you could reach them and turned you away from impending harm.  I followed you as you headed back toward the living room.

And then, there we were, face-to-face with the floor furnace.  (Remember, 1920's!)  The dreaded floor furnace that hurts your little knees to crawl across. I started to think about how the weather outside is getting cooler and cooler as we head into fall and winter.  This floor furnace is our only source of heat.  And it is located in the doorway between the living room and dining room.  You won't be able to crawl near it when it is on without hurting yourself severely.  It has melted the soles of my shoes just by quickly walking across it!  Oh dear, what do I do when we have to turn this thing on??

I temporarily placed a rug over it so you could continue on your journey.  You crawled into the living room again and went straight toward the fireplace.  (Don't worry.  This fireplace hasn't worked in decades.)  I have decorative vases and candles in there.  And what do you know, that's what you wanted to play with!  I had to pry more "no-no's" out of your hands and set them back down in their spot.  I turned to find that you found a little white wire on the ground.  Camoflauged by the white brick of the fire place.  I would have never seen it, yet you found it!  Where did that come from?  I took it away immediately and began to feel overwhelmed.

We continued on this adventure for an hour before you started to get cranky. So I picked you up and I put you in your crib with your pacifier and you drifted quickly off to sleep.  You are oblivious to any of these dangers all over the house.  You just have a merry-ole-time crawling and exploring. 

So here I am now, sitting on the couch with the realization that outlet covers and door latches do not baby proof a house.  I have a lot to do before you wake up.  And A LOT of praying to do as well!!

I love you, Little Buddy.


Monday, September 19, 2011


Dear Bentley,

This evening you did something so special.  I walked into the dining room where your daddy was holding you on his lap.  You looked up and me and smiled so big and said, "MOM!"
Your father and I just looked at each other and then broke into CHEERS! 
You know my name.  I am your Mommy. 

I love you, sweet boy.

Always and Forever,
Your MOM

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

6 Months Old!

Have you ever seen a more beautiful baby??

Oh Buddy, Mommy can hardly keep up with all that you accomplish. You started off so helpless and small. So beautiful, but so new to everything. That is why it amazes me so much that you have come so far in only 6 months.
You are crawling now!  The Pediatrician was so impressed with you at your six month check up!  She couldn't believe how advanced you are in your skills!   Before too long, you will be getting into everything!!!  I am already having to watch you closer than ever. 

You can now say, "Mama!"  We are working on "Dada" and "Hi" and "Puppy."  You talk all the time.  By my next letter to you, I am sure you will be saying all these words and more.

I am already planning your first birthday party.  It is going to be here before we know it!  So I am buying items and putting together a To Do list so that I am fully prepared.  It is going to be wonderful!  Dr. Seuss is the theme.  Just like how I am decorating your new room when we move into a bigger house. 

Which reminds me...  Since Daddy got this new job, we will be house hunting again real soon!  This job is so much better than his last one.  He now works in Norman and has flexible hours.  He got to meet us in the park for a picnic this afternoon.

The weather is cooling off and summer is now over.  Fall is coming and we will get to celebrate Holidays together!  I can't wait for more new things to come your way!!! 

I love you very much!
