Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Little 8 Month Old

Dear Sweet Bentley,

You turned 8 months old yesterday.  I must catch you up-to-date on your recent accomplishments!

To start, you have started saying, "Dada!"  The first time we heard it was on our way to Gran's house for a family dinner last weekend (Oct 21, 2011, to be exact).  You daddy and I were in the front seat and you were in the back seat jibbering and jabbering.  Then you said it. We both stopped and broke into cheers!  You said it over and over that night for the family.  Everyone was proud of you.  You were passed all around that evening from family member to family member.  You are such a loved little boy. 

Next--You can stand on your own!!  You have been practicing and practicing up to this point.  And you have learned to let go and balance for up to ten seconds at a time.  We all get so excited watching you do this.  It entertains us like a sports game.  We sit on the edge of our seat, counting the time until you plop on your little bottom, and then we all break into applause and excited laughter and watch you smile as you eagerly try again.  I love these moments.  And like I wrote before numerous times, you make us so proud.

Tonight was a big night for us as well.  We dressed you up in your first Halloween costume and took you to the Zoo for Trick-or-Treating.  I put a lot of thought into your costume.  I have pretty much been thinking about it since last year when I was pregnant with you.  I knew it had to be perfect.  And I came up with it last week.  Your daddy dressed up in his OKC Thunder jersey and I bought you a homemade basketball onesie and basketball knit hat.  It was creative, unique, and you got a lot of attention!! 

Well, my adorable basketball, I love you more than you will ever know.  I look forward to more of this weekend with you.  Tomorrow is a big day at church and then Monday is Halloween.  Then the Holidays are in full swing.  I'm looking so forward to spending them with you!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Dear Bentley,

I asked you, "Can I have some kisses?"  And you leaned in and gave Mommy kisses.  The sweetest kisses I have ever received. 

Your Grandma Nancy and Aunt Sookie asked for kisses from you today to see if it would work.   You leaned in and gave them kisses.  What a precious little boy you are!  Where do you learn these things?  I am so happy right now.  I have the cutest, sweetest baby. 

I love you, Buddy!!


Friday, October 7, 2011

A Great Balancing Act

Dear Bentley,

One of my favorite books to read to you is "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss.
I would like to share with you my favorite line:

"So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact.
And remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act."

I am reminded of this while I watch you learn how to stand on your own.  You will pull yourself up by grabbing onto the edge of something.  Then, while you are standing and holding on, a big grin crosses your face.  I watch your wobbliness as you gain your balance.  Then with hesitation you slowly let go with one hand.  You balance for a few seconds to see if you can hold steady.  Within seconds you fall down on the floor.  Then, you try again.

Life is like this Balancing Act.  But baby, you are still determined to learn even though you fall each time.  Do you know why you keep getting back up?  Because eventually you WILL stand.  And soon after, you WILL take your first steps. 

You have full confidence in yourself right now.  You have a Mommy and Daddy cheering you on through each milestone.  But there will be times in life that you won't feel very confident.  There will be moments you will feel like no one is cheering you on.  But I love watching your eagerness to get back up even though you fall.  Your determintation to succeed and learn outweighs the little bumps and thumps.  I pray you always have this zest for life and learning no matter the costs!  You make me proud.

"...Kid you'll move MOUNTAINS!
You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So, get on your way!"

I love you,